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Monday, August 17, 2009

A Nanna, A Miller, A Marty, and A Mirror

Over this past weekend, we got invaded by a family of Cheese heads. One of the heads of the household is a Lego-maniac and heck-of-father named Marty Weishoff.  He is also known to drink a few beers at parties like this one for Jackie’s 29th(that is my story and I am sticking to it) birthday yesterday. 

Unlike my brother, he is both entertainment and maintenance for the children. The following series of images are from the party when uncle Marty was entertaining his niece Nanna armed only with a Miller high Life and mirror.  The mirror is off camera to the left.  

Call these teasers.  I just could not resist these. Synchronized facial expressions!!  I am going through the images from party over the next few days and will post more shortly! So stay tuned!   martyMirrorBlog martyMirrorBlog-2martyMirrorBlog-3 martyMirrorBlog-4martyMirrorBlog-5

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