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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Easter Baskets – NC style

What do you think about when you hear the term “Easter basket” ?  Some will probably think about the typical woven basket the children closely guard and fill with some candy encapsulated plastic eggs that have been age appropriately hidden for them to find.   This term may also have others pondering  a family get-together with grandma’s home cooking or childhood stories of the biggest chocolate bunny they had ever eaten.

Well, this Easter  came on the “heels” of  Carolina Tar heels winning the NCAA men’s  basketball national championship game the previous weekend.   Other basketball teams like Wake Forest,  Davidson,  NC State, and Duke also play a little basketball in North Carolina.   Apparently just not quite as well as the Tar heels - at least for this year.   It seems that a North Carolina family  Easter celebration that included a few of these Easter baskets was more than appropriate.


Well, Grandma was not going to be left out.  First up, Grandma Carole!! 


All the kids get into the act

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With a little basket height adjustment, a couple of dunks:


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As a Tar heel  grad and fan , I love this sequence especially the ending(look closely):

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This epitomizes the Duke season !!!!!  Go heels!

For those that attended this Easter basket session, the entire gallery can be found here.

See ya soon!!!

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