Several years ago, when I got my first Canon digital SLR camera, I purchased it with a standard 18-55mm kit lens. At the time one my friends suggested that I also purchase an EF 50mm F/1.8 prime lens. He thought at the time that this prime lens was one of best bang from your buck and is faster(higher aperture) than the kit lens. I was able to find this lens for right around $100.00 and it became part of camera bag.
Besides the auto focus being a little slow and noisy, this lens is definitely worth the money.
Fast forwarding from those days, I mainly use two lens now that are in the Canon professional “L” series: the 24-70mm f/2.8L lens and the 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. Each of these lenses cost more than my current Canon digital camera. These lenses saved me some “feet zooming” with their wide range of zoom capability. Their build quality is excellent.
I decided to dust off my old 50mm this past weekend and play around with some wide open apertures that even my precious “L” lenses could not produce. I think the children were caught a little off guard by this lens as it is substantial smaller than the other two canons of lens(no pun intended). I could actually get my Savannah to sit fairly still for some shots. I think the fact I was almost in her lap taking these pictures instead of standing across the room made a difference.
Here are some shots that I call the “Faces of Savannah”
I love this one for a variety of reasons especially her eyes . Notice in the lower left hand corner, Sophia (my oldest daughter and marketing manager) has left a Triangle Photo Studio business card on their dresser ready for action.
Here is the “Plus 1” . I find this shot of Sophia very intriguing so I had to add it. Can you guess what she is thinking?
I hope you enjoy these! See you soon!!