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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Setzer Bat Mitzvah fun


This past weekend was another great weekend to place in our memory banks and books.  I had the pleasure of attending my first Bat Mitzvah (“daughter of the commandment”) service at the Beth Temple Orr. The ceremony was full of tradition and history.  You could not help but feel a sense of pride in watching a young woman lead the congregation for the first time in various Hebrew blessings and prayers.  It was quite evident that she worked very hard in preparation for this special event.   Lori and Craig Setzer must be very proud of their Bat Mitzvah. 

Photography was not allowed in the temple during the ceremony.
These shots were taken beforehand to capture the Bat Mitzvah holding the Torah. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible:  Genesis,  Exodus,  Leviticus,  Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Bat Mitzvah standing in front of the Torah at Beth Temple Orr - by Steve Jackle Bat Mitzvah holding the Torah at Beth Temple Orr -- by Steve Jackle

After the ceremony we headed to 1705 Prime to enjoy an excellent steak lunch , a candle lighting ceremony,  some excellent music by Ken Holmes from Joe Bunn DJ company,  some dancing, and open “impromptu”  photo shot in the corner by yours truly. 

If you play some music that teen-aged girls like,  you are bound to get a  “huddle” dance around the Bat Mitzvah.  In this case,  the Bat Mitzvah had 30 plus of her closest friends in attendance.

The Huddle dance - by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio (

So what do you think two of her closest friends think about her ?

A friendly kiss -by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio (

I was kept busy most of the celebration in the “impromptu photo” corner  taking photos that ranged from serious family portraits to some “Charlie’s Angels Poses.”   The corner was a great addition to this celebration. 

The girls - by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio (

The Angels - by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio ( More Angels by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio (

I love this series  that involves the Bat Mitzvah’s younger brother and two of her friends.  I call it the attack of the teenage girls.

The attack of the teenage girls( Part 1) - by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio (

 The attack of the teenage girls( Part 2) - by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio ( 

The attack of the teenage girls( Part 3) - by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio ( 

The attack of the teenage girls( Part 4) - by Steve Jackle - Triangle Photo Studio (

Give her a few years and he will appreciate this type of affection a little more :) . 

For those in attendance, you can review, download,  and order photo products(prints, key chains, canvas wraps etc..) from the entire  Setzer 2009 gallery. I hope you enjoy these images as much as  I enjoyed capturing them.

1 comment:

Elizabeth and Frank said...

Love the attack of the teenage girl shots! Very cool.

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